Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hiya! So.... ok I just woke up from a little nap, had no idea you can get tired after a breath test!?
Ok so we started at 8:30u with the nurse taking my blood (brrrr don't you just hate giving blood??) and then the breath test began

I had to hold my breath for 15 seconds and then blow it to the device (had to do that twice for a good reading)
Then the nurse gave me this lukewarm mixture that was extremely sweet... no bad, but it was even too sweet for me, haha
After that the waiting of the first 30min. began (I had to do this every half hour for the next three hours)

30 minutes later I had to come back and do another breath test, so again holding your breath for 15 seconds and breath hard into the device
Now if the reading was under the -10 that would mean blowing into the device once... if it was above -10... you guessed it... do it again

Of course mine was already -12  and it kept going higher everytime I did another breath test, at one point I saw -48.... -56!?
The nurse would also ask with every breath test if I started to feel something (such as cramping, flatulence, nausea....)
Mwah..... no maybe a tiny bit of cramping and the odd burp??

Well that would soon change, hahahaha 
Soon real flatulence started to kick in, hahahahaha.... it felt like my intestens were filling up with air 

And when I had to take my very last breath test...... all of a sudden I started to get really heavy cramps (ohhhhh ohhh!!)
I couldn't even GO first..... I had to take the breath test first 

After I was done with all the tests I could finally GO!! 
And boy let me tell you..... I almost blew myself off the toilet, whahahahahaha..........................lmao 
Sooooo much air came out, hahaha, but the cramps were gone, hahaha 

SORRY IF YOU'RE EATING RIGHT NOW, hèhèhè (evil little laugh)

Now I have to wait until February the 17th to hear the results, when I go back to my MLD physician
I would be very surprised if the physician says they didn't find anything.... keep your fingers crossed for me.....
I just would like to get some answers, so I know what it is and what I can do about it 
Have a relaxed and cozy evening!

much love Corianne 


Ik ben Esther said...

Ah wat naar joh!! Ik heb die test ook al een keer gedaan,maar niet om negatief te zijn...sorry...maar bij mij kwam er weer niks "Conclusive " uit.
Je wordt op een gegeven moment wanhopig als je niet meer weet wat er met je is maar je je toch ook niet lekker voelt,maar geef niet op hoor! Bij mij hebben ze uiteindelijk gezegd dat ik prikkelbaar darm syndroom heb maar eigenlijk kan je er niet veel mee,je moet er mee leren leven en bepaalde dingen niet meer eten die veel last geven.Nou meis ik hoop dat ze bij jou meer resultaat hebben,ik ga voor je duimen!!!
Liefs Esther

CorianneDesign said...

Thanks sweetie, tja een prikkelbare darm dat heb ik ook (paar jaar geleden is me dat al verteld) dus ik hoop dat ik nu toch meer antwoorden krijg, want in eens overvallen worden door hevige pijn is niks

Het maakt je onzeker, als je de deur uit gaat :/

Maar we houden de moet er in :)

Liefs Corianne