Thursday, August 04, 2011

Went for a check up

I just went for a check up in the hospital and things are going according to plan, two of the 20 staples are removed.... those 2 were from the arthroscopy (kijkoperatie)
So no more piercing in my belly button, hahaha =P
The other 18 staples are still there because there's still "a lot" of exudate (wondvocht) coming from the wound, so next week another check up to see how things are going then and if the staples can come out then. Other then that.... hmmmm the muscles on the right side are still very sensitive but that's because they had to cut them and there are sutures holding them together, so that still takes time to heal.
I also found out why I have a 23 cm long cut and why the arthroscopy didn't work..... it was too dangerous to do a arthroscopy because they couldn't see what was behind the gall bladder (or something like that) and they are not going to take the risk of damaging anything they shouldn't and me being at risk of liver surgery.
It puts things in perspective, because I'm better of with a 23 cm long scare then be at risk of liver surgery !! = )

So I need to keep doing what I'm doing and make sure I get plenty of rest (see photo, haha)
Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope everyone has a nice sunny day !! = )



Helga Teunissen said...

Geruststellend nieuws dus, fijn voor je. En een oud gezegde : tijd heelt alle wonden.......dus neem die tijd dan ook maar :-) Je ligt er lekker bij hahaha......

CorianneDesign said...

Hahahahahaha goeie Helga ! ; )